On the advice of a friend and colleague of mine (check out his blog about technology and education at
brokenairplane.com), I bumped up
Crips and Bloods: Made in America 
to the top of my list of films to watch before returning back to school. I am glad that I did, because I am planning to start the year off with a unit on race in America at reconstruction and then jumping to the Rodney King Race Riots in L.A. I will likely make use of sections of this film in my classroom to cover some of the racial issues in L.A. in the 1960s- present day.
The film starts off with a brief history about race in America, but specifically about race in L.A. When I finished watching the film, it raised the following issues or questions that I would use with my students:
- racial profiling
- Why join a gang?
- Watts Riots vs. Civil Disobedience
- drugs/violence
- wealth and poverty
- the rise of unequal distribution of wealth
- Rodney King
- Police vs. Citizens
The film is a good one to show students about these issues and many others.
Powerful stuff, huh? Reminded me of the importance of connecting with each student personally.